“UFO sighted in the night sky of Bangalore!!!”

ufo sighted in the night sky of bangalore, indiaThat is exactly what I wanted the newspapers of the next day to screech.

No, this ain’t no hoax. Will you believe if I say that I had sighted a UFO?

It was early December and my friends and I lay on the terrace staring at the cold night sky of Koramangala, taking into us the chill of the empty atmosphere. The music was playing and a few were arguing over whether it is better to listen to- English songs (they were playing classics) or apna Hindi songs. I, not paying too much attention to what my ears needed, was immersed in counting the stars. We spotted a planet too, which I guessed was Venus and I shouted in excitement and proudly said in a queenly  pose, “That’s my planet- Venus.” But the shout that echoed through the neighbourhoods was the result of what I spotted next.

A few minutes after spotting the planet, I reclined to my old pose and stared back at the sky. I noticed two ‘stars’ moving rapidly, one following the other. Was I hallucinating or hypnotized with too much staring? 🙂 I rubbed my eyes in disbelief and looked again. Woah! There it is again. This time, I saw more. A triangular shaped object camouflaged perfectly against the dark sky. It moved like a piece of the night sky plucked and shifted. Its three corners had a light each and what I saw initially was two of the three lights. I got up startling the rest of the gang, shouting my lungs out, “LOOK! LOOK! DON’T YOU SEE! IT IS A UFO!” They thought I should get my eyes tested. Well, then, TWO of us had to, ‘coz one of the others had also spotted it.

And  the magnificent, well shaped (it was not round for a change 😀 ) UFO went, fading and disappearing. A sight for 10 seconds. No evidence to give the papers. I did my best to popularize it in my team. Ahem! Attention on the UFO, not me! Since I work in the aerospace business industry, I do not have a dearth of team mates with pictures of sorts of ‘flying objects’ in their work area. Oh! there I spotted the triangular shaped object in one of their collections. “Hey that’s how it looked like! Somewhat.” He replied, ” Stealth Bomber. That’s what it is.”

Ah! So what was it- the earthly Stealth Bomber or an alien driven aircraft? Until I know it, it still remains an Unidentified Flying Object to me! Let it remain a mystery. I can still look back at that sky and hope to see one more. Err… can I get a telescope? 🙂

32 Responses

  1. Akshay says:

    I spotted the exact same thing in Koramangala whirl I was with my friends on our terrace.. it was in 2012 though. In my case it was stationary for a few seconds and then looked like it was leaving the earth’s atmosphere because the lights got smaller and smaller till they disappeared. The lights weren’t flickering though.

    My friends believed it could be a drone testing done by the HAL.. and there is military base in ejipura/80ft anyway. I don’t know what it was but I was super excited when I saw it that night. Then next morning as I went for a tea and smoke as usual, the teashop guy was speaking to someone who came for a tea. He suddenly asked that man “btw.did u hear about the UFO?”. I asked him if he had seen it too and he said it was in the papers and handed me.that day’s newspaper and it had made the headlines! It read “bangaloorinalli aliens!”. Apparently 500+ people had reportedly seen it that night. I was glad that i had seen an actual UFO and it was definitely not a test drone like my friends thought.

  2. Sen K. Mathew says:

    My Name is Sen. I am from Kerala. I also saw one. Please click on the link

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  4. ryan says:

    March 16 2012 time approx 10:30 pm…
    Walking on the roof of my building i saw a triangular shaped aircraft hovering in the distant night sky.. no sound. Three lights were stable at tip of the three triangle points and there were some 3-4 lights blinking inside that triangular shaped craft.. dint look like a conventional jet plane.. could be a newly developed aircraft by DRDO or could be a stealth but can our govt. actually afford a stealth aircraft? no idea what was that.. BUT I’M SURE IT WASNT A CONVENTIONAL INDIAN AIRFORCE PLANE OR COMMERCIAL FLIGHT…… and i’m sober!!

  5. Aparna says:

    November 30th night. Rather!

  6. Aparna says:

    Saw a UFO December 2011 Bangalore skies! How bizarre is that?! There was a spotting on November 15, 2010! Spooky!

    • Joe says:

      8th June 19, around 11:00 pm while staring into the night sky saw a flight flying overhead with light blinking….what took me by surprise was another set of light flying towards the commercial plan which seem to fly away hastely…..could not believe my eye…it was an UFO shaped as an arrow head … with multiple lights along the edge of the craft..no blinking light….it was big…but could not make out how far up it was flying…but it flew defying law of gravity…spooky…had to get it out …hope someone else also saw it too. Definitely the jetliner radar must have picked it …

  7. neo says:

    Hey! Guys i saw somthing which looked entirely diffrent, recently i.e. on Nov 30 2008 at 7:45 pm in Hubli as i was riding the bike my attention suddenly went towards right side of the sky , my galfrnd asked wats it, then i stopped my bike & saw it was two stars like object one bigger than the other like in a straight line but very much apart & the middle portion was not vissible, & guess wat they were moving very slow then the lights truned from bright white to flaming orange & then white again…wat was it i have no idea..& we saw it for like 30 mins.

    • neo says:

      And this was no stealth bomber or a gimmick in space or a man made object
      that wud fly UFO are there & so are aliens..every thing is buried in some Area 51..all the inventions that took place in past 50yrs is the result of those things that are present in A51 coz the humans wud not hav progressed so fast… by analyzing from the stoneage to present time the last 50 yrs has acclerated human civilization..think abt it….

    • sarah says:

      Hey Neo. I see that what you saw have really left some impression on you. Me and Roxy noted the date and time that you mentioned and realised that at that time the planets venus and jupiter were pretty bright and visibly floating next to each other (we saw them). I hope it is not that what you saw! hehe.

      Jokes apart, I was pondering about Area 51 that you mentioned. Can I feel that it is just an over imagined part of the earth? Being one of the most secretive places on earth, we might be so tempted to run our imagination around it to give it some meaning or explanation, right? I don’t undermine your belief though.

      The kind of lights you and your girlfriend saw is interesting. Amazing that I am getting to hear of such sightings in bangalore more so often.

      • Rajeshwar says:

        hi.. good discussion by everyone. iam interested.

        there are more than 1 sun, 9 planets, 10000000 galaxies, 1243566667777 black holes…. 1987267778 parallel coincidences of universe. you all are talking about faith not God.guardians of dark (dark=sky)

  8. tarun says:

    Hey , im reading this thread almost a year after the sightings . Much to my own misbelieve ,well i actually couldnt believe my own eyes and ruled it out as maybe 3 batman beams in the sky . We were on our way from frazer town to Rimchmond road and at the brigade road traffic signal I spotted 3 circular lights in the sky moving in circular motions we watched it dance around in the skys for the entire 270 seconds we were at the signal …..Damn was that really a UFO! And im pretty greatfull im not the only one who spotted it coz i put my head out of the car and shouted out to the car next to us “UFO UFO” and the guy looked at me like i was smoking something lethal.

  9. 84735 says:

    Please read above, ‘Arcturian’ !


  10. 84735 says:

    🙂 You might’ve seen a classic Arturian craft (Triangular) These Triangular crafts have been sighted all over the world and also in the Himalayan region of India ! Bangalore has been a hot spot for such sightings in the recent times … Our governments know a lot more than they are willing to disclose as it changes everything as we know it ! Disclosure or an imminent global contact we are to know the truth and this may happen sometime soon !

    Love Laughter & Light


  11. sarah says:

    Personally, I don’t believe in UFOs as an alien controlled aircraft. The case of UFOs as something of alien origin might be as true as the existence of angels!

    Today , when I look back at that night, I feel a bit stupid about it..coz, I feel that it could have been just a plane or just some gimmick in the space. But for those 10 seconds that I saw it, I had a sure feeling that it is something I have not seen before…and I still prefer to believe what I saw.

    To Raj and Strainger, being doubting toms is good, but don’t be so certain that there is no life out there. How much faith do you have in human’s capability to understand it or shoot down an alien for an exhibition to prove that there is something like UFO with aliens?

    Uttam, glad that you share a similar experience. I have seen a UFO and maybe I don’t want to call it a ship with aliens with tentacles and 3 eyes. It could be just something man made flying thing up there. But as long as you dont know what it is, it is still an Unidentified Flying Object. I prefer to remain wary of such stories.

    Sheen, are you joking about this buddy? But, if you really have seen a black triangle, great! Which part of the world are you from to be so sure that it was a stealth bomber that flew over your head!?

  12. Sheen says:

    That was a stealth bomber, I just had one 5mins ago fly right over my head!!! which is why I was on google and found this. Triangle shape with lights on each corner. Once it got a good distance it looked like a ufo lol, three lights floating in the sky.. Awesome!

  13. strainger says:

    i dont think that we should believe in that cause there is NO UFO its just a story and they put at night some hylectric stuff to fly!Men i just..think that its stupid if not we can kill a allien to see the people tha there is (true)not even!!!!!

  14. uttam says:

    10 years back i was in poona
    i have seen triangular lights in sky

  15. uttam says:

    i have seen ufos
    i keep faith in these stories

  16. uttam says:

    i keep faith in all becoz i have
    seen ufos 3 times before

  17. Raj says:

    *******Only Heaven should save you all for beleving in these kinda stories…

  18. sarah says:

    Simha, looks like you do believe in what I saw! You are right, a stealth will never be seen in the sky by naked eyes. That was just a comment passed to pacify the curiousity, for that time, on what it could have been. Well, whether it was of an extraterstrial origin might still remain a mystery. But, after going through a few websites on ‘triangle shaped UFOs’, I did get to see an exact one like what I saw that night and also that such sightings are not uncommon. They named it “FLYING TRIANGLES” or “BLACK TRIANGLES”. I have learnt of UFOs of such origin being depicted in ancient pitures and paintings too.

  19. Simha says:

    Triangular type of crafts have been seen decades before stealth ever existed. Remember one thing, Stealth cannot stand still or just however. Stealth would tremendous amounts of noice. Stealth lights would be looking different from a triangle UFO. By the way, why would Stealth keep their lights on at all, (so that other planes cannot hit them– that would defeat the purpose of their being in indian skies assuming it is US, and not indian.) The stealth pilots have infrared and ultra-voilet video all around to navigate.

    There is only one explanation — it is a UFO of exterrestrial origin.

  20. sarah says:

    Reminds me Pidiyana, The Gulf War was where stealths were used so prominently. F-117 was the most ‘notable’ one. Did you know that these F117s (also called nighthawk,cockroaches and blackwidows) had a problem being designated as a Fighter Aircraft “F”, because it was initially designed to be a Ground Attack Aircraft? Fighter Aircrafts attack other aircrafts and Ground Attack Aircrafts drop bombs on ground. But, to me, it looks like they are more of neither, but Bombers, where they target specific targets!
    Phew! after all aliens are better than these nasty machines.

  21. pidiyana says:

    close calls with stealths…. not a thought I would relish! not after that wretched Gulf War!!

  22. sarah says:

    point there! why would they blink!? So it was an alien aircraft after all! yipeee! 😉

  23. rocksea says:

    ya but will they blink their lights at you if they are stealth/secret defense aircrafts..? maybe thatz ok at own sky cuz therez no one to spy

  24. sarah says:

    ahhhh Nina! why do they think I am always drunk when I spot the rare ones!? Well, honesty I was not drunk, but it was late into the night. 😀

    Roxy dear, I would still deny it was a stealth bomber, even if India had one. Like you said a UFO is a more probable thing, but did you consider that HAL is pretty near to where I stay and they do manufacture combat aircrafts. Who knows, if this is some secret defense aircraft of our own? 😉

  25. rocksea says:

    shouldn’t a ‘stealth’ bomber play its role?
    and what should it be doing above blore sky?
    does india have any of them yet? i dont think so.

    hehe, it seems a ufo is more probable than a stealth bomber 😉

  26. nina says:

    happens … it all happens wen u get drunk wid fnds … LoL

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