contrasts of times

“There was a time when children used to fill the grounds and their laughters used to echo through the evenings. Now when I get up early morning, I see them leaving at 6 am. They are going to tuitions. I don’t get to see them until they return by 6 or 7pm. At least the teachers could have mercy and leave them a little early. The church grounds (where children usually play) are now empty. Even when they return home, they have no time for the family. All are studying quietly inside their rooms.”

A few lines taken from in between a conversation I had with a 76 year old lady. She had come from Kerala to stay with her son in Secunderabad for 3 months in 2007. Her own grandson likes staying indoors and rarely ventures out.

She says, ” The contrasts of times”

In memory of her…
Born : 30 Dec 1930
Died : 20 Sept 2007

2 Responses

  1. sarah says:

    You are right. Children these days hardly get a chance to explore the bliss and energy of their childhood. Taught early from childhood that their mission is to excel and compete for the best, they don’t get the taste of free life any longer.

    I also think schools should start early and leave early. I am thankful that my school used to begin by 7:30am and end by 1:40pm. This not only gave me time to be with family, but to run around and play in the evenings and also enough time to do my homeworks and maybe even go for tuitions. A child should start the day with the sun.

    It is a pity that some traditions are followed mindlessly from school days. Wearing a tie has nothing to do with the school technically. It should be a colonial carry off that a necktie defines a gentleman! (maybe the same thing with closed shoes). Sad that some schools adorn it even in the blazing tropical summer, even if it is not discerned for philosophical reasons.

  2. rocksea says:

    yes, it is a heavy loss that we are facing. the new generation isn’t having a chance to celebrate their childhood and youthful energy. instead, they are tied up with the western attire. i should say their physical appearance in the ties and shoes apply to their mental state as well, restricted and with no room, in a pressurizing, unnecessarily competitive world.

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