Category: japan

time for festivals. yosakoi soran 5

time for festivals. yosakoi soran

Winter is saying adieu and am impatiently waiting for the spring to arrive at Hokkaido. Spring is already in Honshu, main island of Japan where Tokyo, Osaka and other cities are, and they are...


reverse culture shock

“So did you have culture shock?” this high school student asked me yesterday. Japanese people always makes the best out of their opportunities, whether it is to mingle with a foreigner, to know the outer world or to...


Gong Xi Fa Cai and bow bow

In school, he was that kid who used to make superfluous audio effects. One day he bleated mehhaahhh like a sheep during the chemistry class, the teacher was startled;  she asked him to "remain" at the back of the class. Little...