caricatures from venice

You might have seen some photographs of Florentine caricaturists at work, among our earlier photo journals. It was our turn to be seated this time, before Lorenzo, the Venezian caricaturist 🙂

venice caricature of sarah, by lorenzo 
We asked if he could do baby pratyahara along with us, but he replied that he could not do babies and kids as the features aren’t yet developed and if he draws them they may look like grown ups.

venice caricature of rocksea, by lorenzo

venice caricature of sarah and rocksea, by lorenzo

We were happy and satisfied with the results! 😀

34 Responses

  1. Dave says:

    My wife and I get caricatures wherever we travel and tey to get at least one or two each year. We walked all over Venice today and the only caricature artist we found after walking 10 miles thru Venice across bridges, thru plaza’s and hordes of people we finally found Lorenzo. We saw his unique and different approach than what we were used to so we had to do it. We will post a photo on our instagram when we return home. We don’t speak the language but if anyone knows of a social media or other website link to tag him it would be very much appreciated. Feel free to check out our other caricatures on instagram. Just follow

  2. I´m caricaturist and sinc 1994 collect caricatures of my face around the world. I´ve saw hundred of caricature artists in the last 15 years and I know that what Lorendo do is simply great. In 2 minutes he draw a nice and funny but no grtoesque 1 side profile caricature in a “old school” european style ( very hard to fnd now )

    Lorenzo had draw me 4 times: in 1996, 2 times in 2000 and one more time in 2009. You can see them in the next link.

  3. chris says:

    oh yes, anonymous is right, in fact I was searching for a caricaturist i found this website.I’ve had one done by this caricaturist last april but it came very bad,I didn’t took it and I didn’t pay him, to tell u the truth.
    His work is not worth a penny and it’s strange how they leave such incompetent persons laugh at the people andsteal their money i a very intelligewnt and as the same time in an ironic way.
    It’s very sad…

    • rocksea says:

      of course you both (chris and anonymous) should be in agreement, as we find that you both are one and the same person.

      you might have had a bad experience. lorenzo too had admitted that there had been some customers who didn’t pay him cuz they didnt like his work. lif is like that, right?

  4. anonymous says:

    Lorenzo who pretend himself a caricaturist is an asshole,a looser, because it’s impossible to not be able to draw kids and babies,all other caricaturists do draw infants except him, he draws everybody in profile with the same features but adds braces or sunglasses.In venice he’s known as the monkey drawer because all the people he draws look the same…monkeys…” stereotypes “. He always draw in profile,and never face , because for him it’s absolutely difficult. only his shade’s technique is ok. Sarah, you have a short front and a small circled nose, he did you with a loooong front and a loooong pointy nose, the caricatures is defined by the accentuation of your features and not creating a new image of you, then in this foto you look like a 12 year old girly. A good, a right artist should draw everything required from him.

    • sarah says:

      Dear anonymous,
      Your emotions and comments are well taken. We don’t know what he is known in Venice as…but for us, he was just an artist who made our profiles and we think it did come close to what we look like. In my case, there might not have been any accentuation of any feature, but the overall caricature still reminded of me, we thought it was fine. Honestly, I did hope he drew something more ‘funny’ out of us, but we were not disappointed either.
      He might not have been the best of the caricaturists we have seen, not even close to good as per you, but he was fair enough for us. He might be most comfortable in making profiles, and that is what he has done. It is not possible for us to expect a Da Vinci out of every artist, eh? 🙂 Well, at least he was the only caricaturist we saw in San Marco.

  5. Nisha says:

    The caricatures have come out well. We had got a 3D painting done in Venice.

    Good to see Sarah after delivery.

  6. sarah says:

    Bindu, Deeps and Marlin, thanks. 🙂

  7. Marlin says:

    hellooo… m back here after so long!

    wow…this is some sight for the eyes…completely new versions of Rox n Jubs…

    I can see vava being an audience to this moment.

  8. Deeps says:

    that looks superb! Amazing piece of art:)

  9. bindu says:

    Great to see both of you, especially Sarah after the baby 🙂

  10. Happy Kitten says:

    nice one…Sarah still has those “baby” looks…nd the pram has been smartly placed behind her 🙂

    nd ur side profile in this photo resembles Kamala Hassan..

  11. this is really cute considering that the ones on display are meant to scare away potential customers 🙂

  12. ha ha … you must be relieved he did not get hyper creative like the one on display 😀

  13. rocksea says:

    Thanks Swaram, Solilo, IHM, Andy and Sandeep for the sweet comments 😀

  14. sandeep says:

    cool caricatures … and nice to see both of u 🙂

  15. Abhilash says:

    The caricatures looks really good. They are worth watching.

    I also used to draw similar caricatures of my teachers… and one girl 🙂

  16. Wow!!! This is good!!! Not really a caricature, more like very nice portraits!!

  17. Solilo says:

    We got ours from Hollywood few years ago. 😀

  18. Swaram says:

    That looks gud! Hats off to his talent 🙂

  19. Mridula says:

    So where are you planning to put them? Framed and all?

  20. Elaine- says:

    Hey those turned out cool… i’ve always been too scared to get one done, figuring they might see me ‘funny’ lol neat shots!!

  1. January 25, 2011

    […] our 2 year stay in Italy, we made several visits to Venice, but this (14 Feb 2010) was the most colorful, and beyond our imagination. The train trip from […]

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