the assassin bugs are here

Why would such a small, beautiful, innocent looking insect be called an assassin bug?

assassin bug, kerala

Other than the slender legs and the antennae, do you see a single tubelike projection from its mouth, pointed downwards? This projection is called a “rostrum”, which they use for feeding. Not just feeding, they use this rostrum for catching their prey too! How? Through the rostrum, they inject a deadly saliva, which liquefies the internal parts of the prey. The bug then just have to “suck the juice out” of its catch. In such a way, they could kill and consume insects much larger than their size. No, don’t worry, they are not harmful to you or me 😈 At least, the first one was found on our bed, and photographed by Sarah 😀

assassin bug, kerala

assassin bug, kerala

Date: Jul-Nov, 2007
Location: @ home, Kottayam, Kerala, India
Camera: Nikon D80 | Olympus C770UZ and macro lenses

Ref: InsectIndia Group, Chitra Shanker

40 Responses

  1. Great post! Possibly a first assassin bug post on an Indian blog!

  2. rocksea says:

    joshi, geetha, 🙂

  3. Geetha says:

    Great captures. The colours are clearly highlighted.. love it!

  4. Indrani says:

    Very interesting!
    I didn’t know of this insect. The first shot is amazing! I wonder what is the white background.

  5. I love the ladybug for its colours and the roundedness (subtle ideas!) I love that red-black combination and the first one looks so good. U two have like microscopic vision of something… U capture every little thing and make them famous

    Good Day:)

  6. it’s so beautiful and loved the colors!

  7. rocksea says:

    andy, scorpio, pawan, marie, laura:

    grazie 🙂

  8. I love the first picture, very beautiful! 🙂

  9. Marie says:

    j’aime beaucoup la première image.

  10. Pawan says:

    I like the clarity and colors of the pictures clicked!
    Good one!

  11. liquidizing the prey from inside! Whew, this fellow is lethal.. :X And the first photograph where this thing is captured on the sheet is amazing! Kudos to Sarah! 🙂

  12. Why don’t u post Pratyahara’s snaps ? Looking forward to those !

  13. Andy says:

    Wow never seen this bug before. Really cool to learn more about it. The first shot is my favorite amazing colors and i like seeing all the details!

  14. rocksea says:

    kanak, sandeep, neelima, mridula:
    yes the first one shows it close and pretty. was shot by sarah using just a point and shoot olympus camera, but with a macro lens.

  15. rocksea says:

    mohan, guria, elaine, ihm, 🙂 thanks for your comments

  16. Mridula says:

    And the first picture is quite stunning!

  17. Neelima says:

    The first photo is just amazing with the red and white combination! (my fav colors.. :D)
    And nice information as usual. 🙂

  18. Deeps says:

    yeah sure! if the bug had known Sarah had taken a snap and a discussion was to happen soon,he would have genuinely wished he had injected that poisonous saliva into the two of you 😈

    • sarah says:

      I thank life that you were not born as that assassin bug…else, we both would have been dead for making you famous! 😛 . And, I say you would have been a silly bug to have thought to kill us both…big ambitions you see…hehe).

      • Deeps says:

        LOL!My husband is convinced,though,that I’m a born-bug!In fact he may even tell you the name of the vaccine he uses,to be immune from my constant bugging… you might need it to withstand my constant spamming on your page,you know
        😛 😆

  19. sarah says:

    It is a little ‘scary’ (?) to know that we had found this deadly bug in our bed and we thought it was some interesting looking ant! brrrr… I was amazed at the information you gave about this little fellow!

  20. sandeep says:

    clean macro shots and excellent + informative description. thnx again.

    i was wondering where u shot the first pic 🙂 and got the answer from the description. unique patterns, i shud say 🙂

  21. Abhilash says:

    I think you wrote the line “No, don’t worry, they are not harmful to you or me” because I always ask you whether your spiders or the other insects your portray are poisonous. 😀

    The photograph looks clear and superb as always. I have seen this insect before but never knew it looks so beautiful.

  22. It looks a little scary. I think I have seen it in real life. Reminds me of all those many rain insects we see at our place , near light sources!

  23. Kanak says:

    Awesome photos…the first one especially!Love the combo of red and black!

  24. “suck the juice” reminded me of a hollywood movie can’t remember the name 😀

    btw, the first one was awesome shot ! Which camera do you use ? 😉

  25. Elaine- says:

    sometimes assassins are cute i guess lol and that’s one cute bug lol… the two pictures in my feed is because of the theme i’m using for my photoblog, i can’t get a thumbnail without posting the picture the way the theme wants, and i HAVE TO post the way wordpress wants so that other themes work, so thus i have two pictures… sorry about that

  26. Guria says:

    The photographs, my goodness, love them!!
    And after reading about the bug, yeah why ‘assassin’, they are so docile, and harmless to the other insects, naa? 😀

  27. Swaram says:

    OMG! Size does nt matter! So harmful! They look gorgeous though 😉 U ppl do hv an eye for all this 🙂 Gr8 gng!

  28. Mohan says:

    Wow.. awesome pics! Amazing color info in all the captures. Great shots as usual 🙂

  1. February 1, 2010

    […] Assassin Bugs […]

  2. February 2, 2010

    […] Assassin Bugs […]

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